
The ADDIE Model: Advantages

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The ADDIE Model: A roadmap for building E-Learning Courses



Home | Abstract | Overview| Advantages | Disadvantages | Application of ADDIE | Examples | Conclusion | References | Multimedia






As we become instructional designers, the ADDIE Model is an advantage, since the process takes the designer through the following phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.


This Instructional System Design (ISD) (WKU) model provides the designer with basics of brainstorming methods. It’s a very simple way of saying, “This is where I start, and this this how I end”. The ADDIE Model is cost effective, saves time, and promotes effective learning.


The ADDIE Model is used by companies to train employees, create monstrous design models of different categories, and was used during War World II (Sage, 2006) to plan precise attacks. My previous professor, Daniel Carlson, works with a company in Philadelphia, PA. Mr. Carlson would always say that in the process of creating his designs, he had to present the company with the ADDIE Model before going to the next level. This shows that it must be a very cost effective process to use with companies. Mr. Carlson also mentioned that since he had to use the ADDIE Model, he would create a storyboard of the design process in order to show exactly how the design was going to work most efficiently. This, he said, was time effective. By providing the ADDIE Model, this would allow him to review his project and correct any adjustment that needed to be done, according to his storyboard.


University Texas at Brownsville Technical Southmost College (UTB-TSC), Western Kentucky University (WKU), and many other colleges pursued teachers to teach online. Promoting effective learning is a very high demand way of teaching that gets the students out of the regular classroom setting and into a creative learning environment. Teaching in the 21st Century is through online teaching, integrating technology in the classroom and following the ADDIE Model process to promote instructional technology for effective learning.


The advantage of following The ADDIE Model process is that the instructional designers, educators, and companies can benefit from the cost effectiveness, time saving, and effective learning that The ADDIE Model offers.




Works Cited

Sage. (2006, Novemeber 01). Overview and Evolution of the ADDIE Training System. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from Journals Online: http://adh.sagepub.com/content/8/4/430.abstract


WikiBooks. (n.d.). Instructional Technology/Instructional Design ADDIE. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from WikiBooks "Open Books for an open world": http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Instructional_Technology/Instructional_Design/ADDIE#Advantages_of_Using_ADDIE


WKU. (n.d.). Using the ADDIE Model. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from TSONLINE " Technology Services for Online Teaching": http://www.wku.edu/distancelearning/tsonlineN/ADDIEmodel.html







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